Tuesday, June 9, 2009

My websites are offline

Dear Visitor, Reader, Member of my following websites:

http://www.laszlomolnar.name - it is up again!
http://www.laszlo.molnar.name - it is up again! (redirected to http://www.laszlomolnar.name)
http://www.b21club.com - it is up again!
http://www.languagejuice.com - it is up again!
http://www.osboom.com - parked on Sedo
http://www.jammmer.com - parked on Sedo
http://www.wifisoftwares.com - it is up again!

Two days ago my virtual server provider, fsckvps.com had been hacked.
You can read a very long forum thread about this attack and the chaos here
So all of my websites/webprojetcs went offline, and they are still offline today.
I hope FSCKVPS's staff is working hard and fast and they will restore my vps asap.
But it is only a hope. I am so pessimist, I think my datas will not be restored.
And I will have to reconfig my vps and rebuild my websites/webprojects.
Not a nice future vision.

Because I don't know when will be my vps/websites online again now I redirect temporarily all of my websites to this blog and I will inform you about my vps/websites issues here.

I post this first blog entry with date of 2020 (edited! - back to 2009), because I want it to the top of my blog. If you want to read the full story, start here please.


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